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Speed Networking

Speed Networking is the most popular event at Crossroads. It's our way of making business connections with Medicaid payers as seamless as possible.
What is Speed Networking?

Speed Networking is a unique-to-Crossroads experience that is mutually beneficial for manufacturers and payers. We make it easy and organized for your company to meet with Medicaid payers.

Our Speed Networking coordinators will schedule and facilitate appointments between:

  • Manufacturers and
  • Medicaid payers, including state Medicaid pharmacy directors, pharmacy benefit managers, Managed Medicaid officials, and other Medicaid stakeholders

To claim your company’s spot, register for Crossroads and select “Yes” to the Speed Networking question. Our appointment selection process is first-registered, first-served.

Please note that Speed Networking is an optional event for manufacturer attendees, and there must be at least one representative from a company to request to participate in Speed Networking during the Crossroads registration process.

Important Information

Crossroads assigns Speed Networking appointments by:

  • Sponsorship level (if applicable),
  • followed by the date of registration in chronological order.

The Speed Networking coordinators will also consider the interest of Medicaid payers when assigning appointments.

Each manufacturer will be assigned a maximum of three (3) appointments. Up to two (2) manufacturer representatives can participate per appointment, and the representatives can vary per appointment. All manufacturer representatives must be registered for the conference in order to attend Speed Networking.

All manufacturer representatives must be registered for the conference before July 16, 2025.

Requests to participate in Speed Networking are not permitted after July 16, 2025, and Speed Networking transfers (i.e., transferring your registration to a colleague) are also not permitted after July 16, 2025.

Speed Networking Liaison

During Crossroads registration, you will also be asked that your company assigns one manufacturer representative to be the Speed Networking Liaison (main point-of-contact) between the Speed Networking coordinators and your company.

If you do not know who your Speed Networking Liaison will be during the time of registration, you can update your registration at a later date.

During the Speed Networking interest selection process, which will take place in July 2025, the Speed Networking Liaison will be responsible for submitting the Speed Networking Interest Form in July 2025. This form will capture your company’s top interests across your company’s Crossroads attendees. We will only accept one Speed Networking Interest Form per company.

Crossroads reserves the right to deny appointment requests and refuse access for any reason whatsoever at its absolute and sole discretion. Please review our Code of Conduct for more information.

"Great to see both manufacturers and payers attending a meeting to connect and discuss challenges and opportunities." -Steve Kahn, Sobi, Inc.

Early July 2025

The final list of Medicaid payers participating in Speed Networking will be announced to Crossroads attendees.

Mid July 2025

The Speed Networking coordinators will send the Speed Networking Interest Form to your company’s Speed Networking Liaison. The Speed Networking Liaison will submit appointment topics for each of the company’s requested appointments, along with naming the manufacturer representatives for each appointment.

August 2025

All Speed Networking participants will be notified of their scheduled appointments approximately one week prior to Crossroads 2025. Each participant, both the manufacturer and the Medicaid payer, will receive a calendar invitation with appointment topics.

At the Conference

The three Speed Networking sessions will be held on:

Monday, August 25, 2025, at 3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. CT

Tuesday, August 26, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. CT

Wednesday, August 27, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. CT

Frequently Asked Questions about Speed Networking

What is Speed Networking?

Speed Networking is a unique-to-Crossroads experience that is mutually beneficial for manufacturers and payers. We make it easy and organized for your company to meet with Medicaid payers for an introductory meeting.

How will Speed Networking appointments be assigned?

Crossroads assigns Speed Networking appointments by status: first by sponsorship level (if applicable), followed by the date of registration in chronological order. Each manufacturer will be granted a maximum of three (3) appointments. Up to two (2) manufacturer representatives can participate per appointment. (Please note that the manufacturer representatives can vary per appointment.) All manufacturer representatives must be registered for the conference.

What if multiple people from my company are attending and hoping to participate in Speed Networking?

No problem! Up to two (2) manufacturer representatives can participate per appointment. (Please note that the manufacturer representatives can vary per appointment.) All manufacturer representatives must be registered for the conference. Day and time preferences cannot be accommodated for Speed Networking appointments.

How do we let you know who will represent our company as the Speed Networking Liaison?

During conference registration, you will be prompted to name who will represent your company as the Speed Networking Liaison. If you are unable to identify who the Speed Networking Liaison will be at the time of registration, your registration can be updated at any time by clicking “Modify Registration” on the Register page.

When will Speed Networking be held?

The three Speed Networking sessions will be held on Monday, August 25, 2025, at 3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. CT; Tuesday, August 26, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. CT; and Wednesday, August 27, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. CT.

How long is each Speed Networking appointment?

Speed Networking appointments are 8 minutes. There will be a 2 minute break between each appointment.

Will my Speed Networking appointment be private?

Speed Networking appointments are held in a quiet and semi-private setting. Meeting booths are separated by curtains.

When should I arrive to my Speed Networking appointments?

Please arrive at the Legends Ballroom at least ten minutes prior to your scheduled appointments.

When will I be notified of my final appointments?

All Speed Networking participants will receive calendar invitations with their final Speed Networking appointments approximately one week before Crossroads 2025.